
Baked Anchovies



  1. 1kg anchovies
  2. 2 tablespoons corn flour
  3. 3 eggs
  4. half bunch of parsley
  5. 1 bunch of scallions
  6. 1 mid-size onion
  7. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Clean the anchovies or purchase already cleaned ones. Take away the bones and open all of them like a book.
  • Finely chop the parsleys, onion and scallions. Add olive oil and mix.
  • Spread the mixture on the inner side of the anchovy and cover this one with another anchovy, then press gently so that the two anchovies stick to each other.
  • In this way, you will get two anchovies such that the inner parts are stuck together.
  • Put three eggs in a bowl and mix them. Put the corn flour into a plate.
  • Dip the anchovy twins into the egg. Then put them right away into the corn flour so that every inch of them is covered with flour.
  • Bake for 15 minutes in an oven that is preheated to 180 degrees.
  • Serve them while they are still hot.

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